Google is launching 53 updated, gender ambiguous emoji as part of a beta release for Pixel smartphones this week (they’ll come to all Android Q phones later this year). “But you can create something that feels more inclusive.” Gender neutral is what you call pants,” says Daniel. “We’re not calling this the non-binary character, the third gender, or an asexual emoji–and not gender neutral. She can give us the zombies, merpeople, children, weightlifters that are neither male nor female. While Daniel can’t fix our bathroom signage, as the director of Android emojis, she can fix another problem: The lack of gender-neutral symbols in texting. And that culture means a man-centered culture.” “But they had to add a little detail, that dress, and suddenly that person symbol doesn’t mean person anymore it means man.
“That person could be man, woman, anyone,” she says. She traces it back to the age-old problem with the male bathroom symbol. Jennifer Daniel, designer at Google, thinks about this deep irony at the heart of visual language all the time.